Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Returns the position for the left edge of the text on the tree node.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 3099

public function TTreeNode.DisplayTextLeft: Integer;

Function result

Horizontal coordinate where the Text for the tree node is located.


DisplayTextLeft is a method used to determine the horizontal coordinate where the Text for the tree node is displayed. If a TCustomTreeview instance has not been assigned in the tree node, the return value contains the result from the DisplayIconLeft method.

Values from the Images and GetImageSize in the TreeView control are used (when assigned) to adjust the left edge for the Text display area. If an image position has been assigned in ImageIndex or SelectedIndex, the left edge is increased by the image size and the default item spacing on the TreeView control.

DisplayTextLeft is used in TTreeNode methods like DisplayRect and DisplayTextRight. It is also used in TCustomTreeView methods including BeginEditing, GetHitTestInfoAt, and MouseDown.

See also



Text displayed for the tree node.



Returns the horizontal position for the left edge of the icon displayed for the tree node.



Ordinal position for the image displayed for the node, or -1 when no image is assigned.



Ordinal position for the image displayed when the tree node is Selected.



The tree view control where the node is displayed.



Returns the rectangle where the tree node is displayed on its TreeView control.



Returns the horizontal position for the right edge of the Text on the tree node.



Image list which holds icons for the tree nodes in Items.



Gets a TSize instance with the dimensions for images in the control.



Prepares the control to edit the text for the specified tree node.



Returns hit test results for the specified coordinates.



Handles mouse down events for the tree view control.

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