Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Indicates if the tool button is a member of a group. The default value is False.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 2201

published property TToolButton.Grouped : Boolean
  read FGrouped
  write SetGrouped
  default False;


Grouped is a Boolean property which indicates that the button is a member of a group when its value is set to True. A button group is a range of adjacent tool buttons with their Grouped properties set to True. The button range cannot extend beyond separators and dividers used on a tool bar control.

While Grouped can be assigned for any button style, it is significant when Style is set to tbsCheck. If Grouped is enabled, the checked-style button behaves like a check box in TCheckGroup or a radio button in TRadioGroup where only one of the grouped controls can be selected or checked at a time.

Changing the value for the property causes adjacent buttons on the TToolBar instance to be examined to ensure that only one of the grouped buttons has its Down property set to True.

Use AllowAllUp to indicate whether all of the buttons in a group can have their Down properties set to False.

See also



Determines the display style for the tool button.



Indicates whether the button is in the "Down" state, i. e. has it been selected or clicked.



Indicates if all buttons in a group can have their Down property set to False.



Enumerated type with values representing the display styles and behaviors for buttons on a TToolBar control.

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