Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Set type used to store value(s) from TMultiSelectStyles.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 2899

type TMultiSelectStyle = set of (



Enables multi-select using Ctrl+Click to add an additional item to an existing selection.



Enables multi-select for a range of items from the current selection using Shift+Click.



Enables multi-select for visible (expanded) items only using Shift+Click. Can be used in conjunction with msSiblingOnly.A multi-selection does not include any child nodes unless the nodes are expanded and visible.



Enables multi-select for only sibling tree nodes using Shift+Click. This excludes parent and/or child tree nodes.



TMultiSelectStyle is a set type used to store zero or more values from the TMultiSelectStyles enumeration. TMultiSelectStyle is the type used to implement the TCustomTreeView.MultiSelectStyle property.

See also



Represents available multi-select styles.



Multi-selection options enabled for the tree view control.



Enables or disables selection of multiple tree nodes at the same time.

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