Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Sets the horizontal alignment for the text displayed in the column.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 1244

published property TListColumn.Alignment : TAlignment
  read FAlignment
  write SetAlignment
  default taLeftJustify;


Alignment is a TAlignment property with the horizontal alignment for the text displayed in the column. It affects both the column Caption and any list item or SubItem values in the column.

Use taRightJustify to align text values to the right edge for the column. Use taCenter to center text values in the width for the column.

The default value for the property is taLeftJustify. Changing the value for the property calls the Changed method to update the column in its Collection. The widgetset class for the list view control is notified of the new alignment value when its handle is valid.

See also



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