Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Performs actions when a mouse wheel up event occurs for the control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 1973

protected function TCustomUpDown.DoMouseWheelUp(

  Shift: TShiftState;

  MousePos: TPoint

):Boolean; override;




Shift, Ctrl, or Alt modifier for the mouse wheel event.



Coordinates for the mouse pointer when the wheel event was received.

Function result

Returns True if the mouse wheel event was handled by an OnMouseWheelUp event handler in the ancestor class.


DoMouseWheelUp is an overridden method in TCustomUpDown. It calls the inherited method on entry to signal an assigned OnMouseWheelUp event handler for the control. If the mouse wheel event was not handled in the ancestor class, and a handle for the widget has not been assigned, the Click method for the increment speed button is called to apply the mouse wheel event to the control.

See also



Signals the OnMouseWheelUp handler.



Signals the OnMouseWheel handlers, when the mouse wheel has been turned.

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