Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Location of the slider on the track bar between the Min and Max values.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 2784

published property TCustomTrackBar.Position : Integer
  read FPosition
  write SetPosition;


Position is an Integer property with the current location of the slider on the track bar control. Position contains a value in the range specified by the Min and Max properties.

If Position is set to a value outside that range, it is set to the limit which it exceeds. The new value for the property is applied to the widgetset class instance when its Handle has been allocated. Position is used in the SetParams method to determine if new property values needs to be applied to the widget.

The property value is updated in DoChange where its value is read from the widget. It is also updated in FixParams if the property value is outside the range allowed in Min and Max.

Changing the value for the property causes the OnChange event handler to be signalled (when assigned).

See also



Minimum value allowed in the Position for the track bar.



Maximum value allowed in the Position for the track bar.



Normalizes values in Min and Max, and ensures that Position is in range.



Sets the values in the Position, Min, and Max properties.



Signals the OnChange event handler (when assigned).



Performs actions needed to update the position for the track bar and signal the OnChange event.



Event handler signalled when the Position in the control has been changed.

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