Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Displays a check box column for the list items on the control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 1659

public property TCustomListView.Checkboxes : Boolean
  index Ord(lvpCheckboxes)
  read GetProperty
  write SetProperty
  default False;


Checkboxes is a Boolean property which indicates if check boxes are displayed next to list items on the control. The default value for the property is False.

CheckBoxes is one of the TListViewProperty values included in the TListViewProperties set type and exchanged with the widgetset class. The property value is read from and written to the TCustomTreeview widgetset class instance when its handle is valid. Changing the value for the property causes the widgetset class to be updated with the new value.

Use the OnItemChecked event handler to perform actions needed when the check state for a list item has been changed.

CheckBoxes is used when a LVN_ITEMCHANGED notification message is handled for the control with a LVIF_STATE change flag.

The value in CheckBoxes is ignored when OwnerData is set to True. Check box display cannot be enabled for virtual mode.

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