Unit 'ComCtrls' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Updates the State property in one or more of the Sections on the header control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 4076

protected procedure TCustomHeaderControl.UpdateState;


UpdateState is a method used to update the drawing state for one or more of the Sections on the header control. When Enabled is set to True, it ensures that the selected section on the control has its State property set to the Up (hsNormal) or Down (hsPressed) drawing style as required. If a mouse down event has not reported for the control, the section under the mouse pointer is updated to use hsHot in its State property.

UpdateState visits each of the THeaderSection instances in Sections, and sets their State property to hsNormal if it is not the selected or highlighted section on the control.

UpdateState is called from the MouseEnter and MouseLeave methods when the control gains or loses mouse capture for the control. It is also called from MouseDown, MouseMove, and MouseUp when mouse events are handled for the control.

See also



Sections - the short segments of the header separated by vertical bars that function as the elementary selection units of the header.



Signals the OnMouseEnter event handler (when assigned).



Signals the OnMouseLeave event handler (when assigned).



Handler for MouseMove events.



Handles a mouse down event for the control.



Signals the OnMouseUp handler.



State - whether normal, hot (i.e. mouse hovers over it ready to be selected) or pressed (selected).



Enumerated type which represents selection states for THeaderSection.



Determines whether the control responds to mouse or keyboard input.

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